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The unconditional right of all women to participate in social and political life is a matter of course. They are empowered to shape their lives in health, dignity and freedom, free of violence, discrimination, and exploitation. All women have access to necessary resources and legal remedies, as well as to developmental and educational opportunities. 




The focus women foundation invests in selected third-party or self-initiated projects and supports their implementation. Project themes include conflict and peace work, women's rights, the elimination of violence and discrimination, socially responsible business practices, and environmental protection. The projects are sustainable and designed for the long term; they benefit the community and are exemplary. Initiated by local women's organizations, the projects are supported by these organizations independently after the initial build-up phase whenever possible. They focus on experience and knowledge sharing on a local and regional level, as well as on creating networks, with the aim of adapting, replicating and further developing projects that were implemented successfully. This enables women to be the multiplicators of their ideas.


Women play a key role in asserting their rights and improving their position in society. Through their commitment, they contribute to social change towards a more peaceful and sustainable society. 

Based on these principles, the focus women foundation and its local partner organizations accompany projects that are initiated and developed by the concerned women themselves. 


The Foundation's work is interdisciplinary and uses the experience of scientific experts and professional practicians. Local partner organizations and the Foundation keep regular contact. Their cooperation is based on mutual trust and transparency. Project quality is measured against jointly agreed goals.





focus women considers the participation of women in society as a constitutional right. The Foundation pursues a feminist approach and is politically and denominationally independent. It is guided by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and further international instruments calling for women's rights. The Foundation's funds shall be used for specific purposes and invested sustainably.